Conroy Engineering Company
provides services in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Failure Analysis, Tank Inspection, Pressure Vessel Inspection, Inspection Program Development and Welding to a variety of industries. From our location in Southern New Jersey we have been providing Metallurgical Services since 1984. Failure Analysis includes "On Site" Investigation and Metallurgical Laboratory Testing. Failure Analysis samples demonstrating corrosion, mechanical and a combination of corrosion and mechanical failure mechanisms are shown in the photographs to the right. We are certified by the American Petroleum Institute (API) for Aboveground Storage Tank Inspection and Pressure Vessel Inspection and hold PADEP Individual and PADEP Company Certification for Aboveground Storage Tank Inspection. Aboveground Storage Tank Inspections are performed in accordance with API-653 and jurisdictional requirements. Pressure Vessel Inspections are performed in accordance with API-510. Welding Services include selection of optimum welding process, welding procedure development, preparation of weld repair plans and general troubleshooting of welding problems.
James A. Conroy, P.E., principal of Conroy Engineering, has over thirty years of industrial experience in various engineering, inspection and metallurgical laboratory positions. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and holds API and PADEP certification for Aboveground Storage Tank Inspection and API certification for Pressure VEssel Inspection. Every project is under his direct supervision, which allows for one point of contact should any questions arise. By concentrating our business in specific areas we provide specialized technical assistance to our customers in a manner that complements their staff. |